

1-800Accountant - Dev Team Lead and Software Engineer

February 2021

  • Manage a team of 5 multicultural developers all working remote
  • Manage Sprint Planning for development team, working in 2 week sprints, to deliver around 100-130 story points per sprint
  • Coordinate between marketing and development team to help increase sales on a week by week basis
  • Helped Develop a full stack responsive website using React Next js, Node Express, and Custom UI components using styled components
  • Working on marketing campaign pages, creating form funnels and flows to gather customer leads and entity formation sales
  • Custom built components including steppers, forms and connected them to Salesforce API

Cabana - Software Engineer

January 2019 - November 2020

  • Developed a full stack responsive website using ReactJs and Node Express, Material UI, Mapbox, Integrated with WheelBase API to allow on site bookings. This increased bookings close to 200%, and with the help of Google Analytics I helped increase website traffic by 150%.
  • Developed a Full Stack Front Office Booking Application using ReactJs and Node Express, Material UI, Mapbox. This was an advanced implementation of the one on the website, Letting users create accounts and track their bookings. Increased Client's bookings by 50%. Used React-Redux along with React Context for state management.
  • Developed a Full Stack Back Office using the same Technologies as the Front Office application, this was for internal use for the client's operations team to manage customers and increase workflow by 50%
  • Tested with React-testing-library.

Stackend Solutions - Full Stack Engineer

October 2019 - February 2020

  • Worked on teams to develop Dynamic Web Applications with Javascript, React Redux and Python Django Using Agile Practices.
  • Worked on the Conmitto Project an MRO (maintenance, repair, & operations) app Primarily as a Front End React Redux Developer.
  • Created a new Navigation Menu that increased User Engagement with the Application
  • Wrote Token Refreshing, Session management, to increase User time on application.
  • Implemented Redux Functions to manage and edit User state while on application to create a more seamless interaction with the application for the User.
  • Test Driven Development using Cypress Testing Library


Note: I think these sections are silly, but everyone seems to have one. Here is a *mostly* honest overview of my skills.

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Amazon Web Services
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